Does your heating meet the Healthy Homes Standards? | Oncore
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Does your heating meet the Healthy Homes Standards?

Your rental property will need to meet the standards by July 2021. If you’re not sure if your property’s heating is up to standard, Oncore can help.
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What does the Heating Standard cover and how can we help you meet it?

The Healthy Homes’ heating standards focus on heating within main living areas only. Main living areas within rental properties must include a fixed heating device which reaches a minimum temperature of 18°C.

If your current heating system doesn’t meet the Healthy Homes Standards, Oncore can help. We’ll help you find a fixed heating device that meets your budget and the Healthy Homes Standards, and will provide you with a high-quality installation.

  • Why do I need heating?

    Efficient heating will ensure your residents stay warm and healthy in the colder months of the year. Outdated heating systems are unlikely to be up to the job of keeping home interiors warm in New Zealand’s increasingly cold winters.

  • What different types of heating are there?

    There are many different types of interior heating devices on the market, including heat pumps, central heating, wood burners, electric heaters, flued gas heaters and unflued gas heaters. Unflued combustion heaters, open fires, and most electric heaters (excluding heat pumps) will not meet the Healthy Homes Standards.

  • Should I use a professional to install my heating?

    Your fixed heating device will most likely need to be installed by a qualified professional. Electrical wiring and gas can be very dangerous in the hands of an inexperienced individual - hiring a professional is therefore in the best interest of you, your property and your tenants.

  • Who will this impact?

    The Healthy Homes Standards affect landlords and their tenants. Landlords will be legally required to meet the minimum housing requirements set out in the Healthy Homes Standards.

  • When do these changes to a property need to be in place by?

    Landlords will be required to meet the standards by 1st July, 2021. This excludes tenancies under Housing New Zealand and registered community housing providers, who must meet the standards by 1st July 2023.

Why choose Oncore

Proven ProcessProven Process

Oncore’s unique process ensures our customer’s properties exceed the national standards. We can provide you with a property inspection and make any necessary improvements.

Project managementProject management

With Oncore, you don’t need to worry about following up with contractors and keeping projects on track. Tell us what you need and we’ll take care of it!

Fast response timesFast response times

We understand the importance of a fast and reliable service. Call or message us and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Learn more about our heating installation services

Central Heating System

Central heating involved warm water travelling through a connection of pipes throughout your home.

It's a heating system which can be used to keep your entire home warm. Central heating may come in the form of radiator heating or underfloor heating.

Heat Pumps

Your heat pump will fall within one of three categories: geothermal, air-to-air and water source.

The most common heat pump options include split systems (suited to individual rooms, such as living areas), multi-split systems (which can be used throughout the home) and ducted heat pumps (which take up minimal space and can be used to warm the entire home).

Wood and pellet burners

Wood and pellet burners are sustainable home heating options, depending on the wood you use.

These heating devices are usually made of metal and use an enclosed fire to warm the home. Pellet burners use compressed wood or small wooden pellets, while general wood burners are usually fueled by larger sections of wood. The right burner for your property will depend on the size and specifications of your home.

Gas heating

Fixed gas heating systems, such as a gas fireplace, may be suitable in smaller homes.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development states that large fixed heating devices, such as heat pumps and wood burners, will be the required heating in most rental properties. However, fixed gas heating systems, such as a gas fireplace, may be suitable in smaller homes. Check with your Oncore specialist if you are unsure of whether or not your preferred method of gas heating will meet the standards. Due to the related pollutants, unflued gas heaters will not meet the standards.

Get in touch

Are you unsure of whether or not your property will meet the Healthy Homes Standards?

Give Oncore a call, or make on online enquiry, to arrange a free consultation. We’ll manage any necessary inspections and upgrades for you, with minimal disruption to your day-to-day life.

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